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Blog Archive

Don't Ignore These Signs of Endometriosis Apr 1st, 2022

An estimated one in 10 people who menstruate have endometriosis, yet diagnosis takes an average of eight years. Recognizing the signs may help prompt you to get the care you need and the relief you deserve. When you have endometriosis, tissue that normally lines your uterus grows outside of it....

Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills Mar 1st, 2022

If you’re heterosexual and sexually active, birth control is essential if you hope to prevent pregnancy. In the United States alone, around 65% of people aged 15-49 with a uterus use a form of contraception. And “the pill,” also known as birth control pills or oral contraception, is one of...

Solutions for Your Urinary Incontinence Feb 1st, 2022

If you regularly leak urine, it’s not something to ignore. Up to one-third of adults in the United States live with urinary incontinence, and it’s especially likely after pregnancy and menopause due to pelvic and hormonal changes. While it may be easy to consider urinary incontinence a “normal” part of...

Does Laser Fat Removal Actually Work? Jan 1st, 2022

Laser fat removal may sound too good to be true, but there’s actually a lot of science behind it. And still, it’s not a “magic solution” for weight control. Rather than help you lose weight, it does away with stubborn, bothersome fat pockets that stick around even when you exercise...

Signs and Symptoms of Male Hormone Imbalance Dec 6th, 2021

Hormones are tiny chemical messengers in your body that play a sizable role in your health and well-being. They coordinate various body functions by carrying messages through your bloodstream to your muscles, organs, and other tissues, letting your body know what to do. And while hormonal issues are often linked...

Restore Vaginal Health With Surgery-Free Viveve® Nov 4th, 2021

Like the rest of your body, vaginal tissue changes with age. And while these changes can bring a range of uncomfortable effects, such as pain and dryness, you don’t have to attempt to grin and bear them.  At Melissa Grier, MD Women’s Healthcare in Pasadena, California, Dr. Grier, and her...

How Does Cellulite Reduction Work? Oct 6th, 2021

Some 90% of women and 10% of men develop cellulite at some point. And while the lumps and bumps are harmless from a health standpoint, many people feel self-conscious about their appearance. Thankfully, you don’t have to live with them. If you’re bothered by your own cellulite, minimally invasive cellulite...

5 Reasons Hormone Replacement Therapy May Be Right for You Sep 12th, 2021

Hormones are tiny chemical messengers that play a large role in your overall health and wellbeing. They impact everything from your digestive health and metabolism to your sexual function, moods, and sense of wellbeing. If you’ve noticed irksome symptoms as you approach menopause or middle age, you may be dealing...

Endometriosis and Infertility: Here’s What You Need To Know Aug 18th, 2021

From excruciating periods to digestive challenges, endometriosis can make many aspects of your life challenging. It’s important to know that this chronic condition, often casually called “endo,” is treatable. When you have endometriosis, the tissue that’s meant to line your uterus grows elsewhere in your body. This can cause a...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Heavy Period Jul 25th, 2021

Everyone who menstruates loses blood each month — that’s just part of the deal during your fertile years. If your flow is especially heavy, however, it may indicate a medical condition that needs treatment. And regardless, heavy menstrual flow can bring challenges, from potentially significant discomfort to distractions and inconvenience. At...

Banish Stubborn Fat Deposits With Non-Invasive Venus Bliss™ Laser Fat Reduction Jun 11th, 2021

Belly fat. Muffin top. Love handles. Whatever you call it, that extra fat around your abdomen and flanks can be embarrassing. It makes your clothes fit differently, and it’s notoriously difficult to shed. Many diet and exercise programs promise to slim your stomach and hone your waist, but targeted weight...

Birth Control Sep 23rd, 2020

I wanted to take this opportunity to review a very important topic. briefly.  This is my first blog post, and I think it will be the one that keeps giving, because fortunately there are so many birth control options. I will start with a summary now, and hope to revisit...